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100% Self-powered

On a typical day, Powerwall and solar will meet all of your home’s energy needs.

What is a self-powered home?

A self-powered home combines solar energy and Powerwall to independently power your home day and night. During the day, solar panels may produce more energy than your home uses. Powerwall stores that excess solar energy and makes it available on demand, even after the sun has set. Through the Tesla app, you will have full visibility into your self-powered home.

We estimate your home energy usage and solar power production on a “typical day” based on your indicated home size, appliances, and location, derived from national data. Your specific day-to-day needs will vary.

7+ days

Continuous power during an outage

When the grid goes down, solar energy will continue to power your home and charge your Powerwall.

How does Powerwall work during an outage?

Powerwall can detect an outage, disconnect from the grid, and automatically restore power to your home in a fraction of a second. You will not even notice that the power went out. Your lights and appliances will continue to run without interruption. If you have solar and Powerwall, then solar energy will continue to power your home and recharge Powerwall. Without Powerwall, solar will shut down during an outage.

We estimate how long your home will stay powered during an outage based on your indicated home size and the appliances you elect to back up, derived from national data. With solar, your Powerwall charge will deplete only when your home energy usage exceeds your solar power production. We cap our estimate at 7 days to account for the occasional cloudy day that may impact solar production.

Seamless backup power. With or without solar.

Powerwall detects grid outages and automatically becomes your home’s main energy source. Protect your home from the next power outage and keep your lights on, phones charged, and no puddles under the fridge.

Self-Powered home. Just add Powerwall.

Powerwall integrates with solar to store excess energy generated during the day and makes it available when you need it, minimising reliance on the grid.

Powerwall Owner Documents

Powerwall 2

Owner’s Manual


Powerwall Technical Specifications

Backup Gateway Technical Specifications

Backup Gateway 2 Technical Specifications

Robert’s Powerwall Experience

Discover the benefits Robert experienced in harnessing the power of the sun day and night.

Robert’s Powerwall Experience from Tesla on Vimeo.


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Discuss our battery storage options with our team today

Harnessing the power from the sun is the first step towards a sustainable future – if you have excess power generated from your solar panels exporting to the grid, a home battery system is the next logical investment, at Class A Energy Solutions, we’ve got you covered.


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