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Absolutely any solar installers Adelaide will be able to confirm that switching to green energy for your business is one of the wisest moves you’ll ever make; helping cut down business expenditures, create a cleaner image for your business, and store energy to back you up during an outage. Depending on your level of energy usage, we’ll customise systems with panels and storage units manufactured by some of the most reputable names in technology: Like LG ChemTesla and Fronius.

Most business are highly dependant on power, so we provide ongoing support to make sure you always have access to help when it’s needed. We can also set up a live monitoring system that gives you access to performance data for a visual representation of your savings. Our professional and highly qualified solar installers Adelaide have carried out multiple small-large scale jobs across all commercial industries—reaching 1.3MW!


There are plenty of reasons why Class A are the best solar installers Adelaide.

  • We’re highly confident that you’ll see an excellent return on investment if you engage our professionals for your business.
  • We’re a CEC approved solar retailer, which means we align our practice with the highest of industry standards for best results.
  • We strive for excellence in every aspect of our business, including our level of customer service which really sets us apart in our field.
  • To ensure consistent quality, we only source products and components from brands we know and trust for dependable results. With advanced knowledge of solar systems, we can answer any of your questions.
  • Every product is backed by its own manufacturer’s warranty, but we’re your first point of contact for all warranty issues to ensure all issues are resolved by our solar installers Adelaide in a timely manner.

While our solar installers Adelaide are securing your panels, we can also install battery storage systems which are designs to capture and retain any unused energy that your panels generate. This is the ideal backup option for your home or business in the event of a power outage, but can even be used during periods where sun exposure is limited (i.e. on cloudy days or at night-time) for consistent power. 

Systems in our range include:

  • Tesla Powerwall: a 100% self-powered battery storage system that can provide more than 7-days work on continuous power during an extended outage.
  • Eguana: Backed by a 10-year warranty, the Eguana systems include their proprietary power controls paired with industry-leading lithium battery modules from LG Chem-
  • Sonnen: The combination of a PV system and a Sonnen Battery will allow you to cover about 80% of your yearly energy requirement with self-produced and clean energy.


Discuss solar with our team today

For more information on our range of panels, our installation process or our battery storage systems to optimise your energy usage—speak to our friendly and knowledgeable professionals! Call us directly on (08) 8379 1542 or send through your enquiries online. Our solar installers Adelaide will make sure you have the perfect tailored system for your home or business!


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