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How to maximise your energy bill savings with solar power

    Artistic illustration of a commercial building with integrated renewable energy sources, including solar panels and wind turbines
    Animation demonstrating the functionality of a solar photovoltaic (PV) system, showing energy conversion from sunlight to electricity.

    Understanding how your solar system operates is key to efficiently managing your energy use and boosting your return on investment. Let’s break it down with the visual aid shown above illustrating the energy flow within your solar system. Solar panels captures sunlight and convert it into power, the inverter plays a crucial role converting power collected into AC usable power that your home appliances can use. Any surplus energy your system generates gets exported back to the grid earning you credits.

    The Sun’s Position
    Animation showing the azimuth angle of the sun and its impact on solar panel orientation for optimal energy production.

    The azimuth of the sun is crucial for optimizing solar panel efficiency. The azimuth angle, measuring the sun’s position relative to the north in degrees, determines how much direct sunlight solar panels receive throughout the day. Our animation illustrates the sun’s changing position and its impact on panel orientation. In the Northern Hemisphere, panels are typically tilted towards the south to maximize sunlight exposure. Incorrect azimuth alignment can reduce sunlight absorption, decreasing energy production. Proper alignment ensures maximum sunlight capture, enhancing the solar system’s performance and optimizing energy generation. Learn more with our animation to see the importance of azimuth alignment for your solar panels.

    Shading on solar panels

    Shading affects solar panel performance by blocking sunlight, essential for electricity generation. The impact of shading varies with temporary shading during certain times of the day having minimal effect, while persistent shading from permanent structures like buildings or trees can significantly affect efficiency. Despite this, the overall impact on daily energy production is often manageable through strategic planning and installation. Monocrystalline solar panels which are highly efficient, are designed to optimize energy output in various lighting conditions, highlighting the importance of careful system design to minimize efficiency losses due to shading.

    For solar installations to work well against shading, designing is paramount. Solar professionals undertake comprehensive site analysis so as to identify potential obstructions for shade purposes hence maximizing the placement of panels. This, combined with inherent high efficiency monocrystalline panels ensures continuity in solar system performance even when subjected to environmental limitations. Thus, by utilizing sophisticated planning and analysis software tools, a highly mature solar industry has been able to optimize projects enabling customers access to clean power from minor shade challenges.

    Graph displaying the Current-Voltage and Power-Voltage curves for the Jinko N-Type 430W solar panel across different temperatures.

    The connection between temperature and solar panel efficiency plays a role in solar energy generation. Solar panels are designed to convert sunlight into electricity. Their performance is affected by the surrounding temperature. Interestingly solar panels tend to work better in cooler conditions. This is because the process of generating electricity in cells relies on sunlight exciting electrons, which then create a current flow through the photovoltaic effect. However when temperatures rise the increased energy can cause the electrons to become too agitated resulting in more voltage production than required and as a result, reduced efficiency for the cell. This unexpected behaviour means that solar panels may actually produce less electricity on extremely hot days compared to cooler sunnier ones.

    The decrease in efficiency at temperatures is due to certain properties of the semiconductor materials used in solar cells. As temperature increases there is a decrease in what’s called the bandgap of the semiconductor material which makes it less effective at converting sunlight into electricity. Manufacturers typically provide a temperature coefficient for their panels that indicates how much efficiency will drop with each Celsius degree increase in temperature as depicted in the graph displayed. Understanding this coefficient is crucial for predicting and evaluating how well a solar panel system will perform under climate conditions. Properly managing the environment of solar panels through ventilation and careful panel placement, with cooler ambient temperatures can help maintain higher levels of efficiency and optimize energy production.

    Maintenance of solar system
    Close-up photo of a hand displaying dust and grime on a dirty solar panel, emphasizing the need for regular maintenance.

    It is crucial to keep panels clean in order to maintain their effectiveness and durability. Accumulation of dust debris, bird droppings and other particles on the panels surface can create a barrier between the suns rays and the photovoltaic cells. This layer of dirt significantly reduces the amount of sunlight absorbed resulting in less electrical output. For example areas with levels of dust or frequent bird activity can experience considerable efficiency loss if panels are not regularly cleaned. This decrease in performance not only affects immediate energy production but also has long term consequences for the overall return on investment in solar energy systems.

    An often-overlooked aspect of solar panel maintenance is the specific impact of bird droppings. Unlike dust or leaves which have a relatively uniform effect on efficiency, bird droppings can cause localized overheating, known as hot spots. These hot spots occur because the droppings create an opaque barrier over parts of the cell, blocking sunlight from those areas while the rest of the panel continues to operate normally. This uneven operation can lead to overheating in the cells beneath the droppings, damaging the solar cells and further deteriorating the panel’s overall efficiency. Over time, the cumulative effect can lead to a decrease in the lifespan and reliability of the solar panels.

    System Size & Configuration
    Architectural blueprint featuring a detailed design of a solar system installation on various roof sections.
    Blueprint of a solar panel installation project, highlighting detailed planning and layout.

    The overall design and configuration of a solar PV system can significantly influence its efficiency and output. Proper system sizing ensures that the energy production aligns with the property’s requirements, taking into account energy consumption patterns and the available installation space. Oversizing systems is a common practice, allowing for increased energy production to compensate for potential efficiency losses due to seasonal variations, such as in winter months when sunlight is less abundant. This strategy ensures that the system provides sufficient power throughout the year, even during periods of lower solar irradiance.

    Spatial constraints and the specific characteristics of the installation site are also critical in determining the optimal arrangement of solar panels. Factors including the orientation relative to the sun, the roof’s layout, and potential shading must be carefully evaluated to maximize sunlight exposure. The choice of technology ranging from the type of panels to the inverter system further tailors the solar PV system to the unique conditions of each location. By customizing the size and configuration of the system to meet the energy needs and accommodate the physical limitations of the property, solar installations can achieve the best possible performance. This approach maximizes the use of renewable resources, enhancing environmental sustainability while providing energy savings over the lifespan of your system.

    Congratulations on taking a proactive step towards understanding your solar system through our comprehensive guide! We have meticulously crafted a suite of strategies aimed at boosting your savings and optimizing energy efficiency. This ensures you can maximize the advantages of your solar investments. Dive into our expert insights and transform the way you harness solar energy elevating your experience.

    Use appliances of Solar Energy During Peak Sunlight Hours

    Using solar energy efficiently involves more than just installing panels. It also means using appliances during peak sunlight hours, typically between 10 AM and 3 PM. This practice, called “load shifting,” involves operating washing machines, dishwashers, and charging electric vehicles during these hours to use the generated solar energy directly. This reduces reliance on the electrical grid and lowers electricity bills.

    Load shifting improves the return on investment (ROI) of solar systems by increasing on-site solar energy use. It minimizes the need for expensive grid power and optimizes solar performance. Smart home energy management systems can automate this process, running high-energy appliances at the best times. Embracing load shifting supports a sustainable energy future, boosts household savings, and contributes to the stability of Australia’s power grid. Implementing this strategy allows homeowners to make the most of Australia’s abundant solar resources, turning green energy into smart savings and a healthier planet.

    Animation depicting a modern home equipped with a solar panel and battery storage system, demonstrating energy flow and storage.

    Energy Independence with Solar Battery Storage

    Integrating solar battery storage systems is crucial for Australian homeowners using solar energy. These systems capture and store excess power generated during sunny hours for use when there is no sunlight or insufficient solar production. This reduces reliance on the power grid and ensures a consistent power supply, enhancing the efficiency of solar installations. In Australia’s varied climate, solar battery storage helps optimize the use of renewable energy, preventing waste and providing a stable power source.

    Installing a solar battery storage system offers several benefits. Homeowners can avoid high grid electricity costs during peak tariff periods, saving money on energy bills. These systems also provide power during outages, adding security for households. With the rising affordability and advancements in battery storage, it is becoming a popular choice for Australians. Embracing battery storage supports Australia’s goal of a sustainable and self-sufficient energy future by reducing carbon emissions and promoting renewable energy use.

    Extend the Lifespan of a Solar System

    Australia’s varied climate, from the dusty outback to the salty coastal regions, makes regular maintenance and cleaning of solar panels essential. Professional cleaning services, like those offered by Class A Energy Solutions, can safely remove obstructions without damaging the panels.

    Regular professional inspections are also crucial for the health of a solar power system. These inspections can spot issues like micro-cracks, inverter malfunctions, or wiring problems that are not visible to the untrained eye. Early detection of these problems prevents energy production decline and costly future repairs.

    Person replacing an incandescent bulb with an energy-efficient LED light in a ceiling fixture, demonstrating sustainable lighting.

    Switch to L.E.D Lighting

    Switching to LED lighting is a great way to boost energy efficiency in solar-powered homes. Traditional incandescent bulbs use a lot of energy. Replacing them with LED bulbs use approximately 75% less energy and last up to 25 times longer cutting electricity usage and reduce the need for bulb replacements from broken filaments. This change lowers your carbon footprint and electricity bills allowing homes’ and businesses’ to use more solar energy to be used or stored for later.

    In South Australia, the Retailer Energy Productivity Scheme (REPS) encourages energy efficiency, including using energy-efficient lighting. REPS supports the transition to a sustainable energy system, reducing energy costs and improving productivity for households and businesses.

    Eligibility for REPS:

    • Be a South Australian household or business meeting activity requirements.
    • Existing lighting equipment must be in working order when upgrading.
    • Lighting being replaced must not have been installed under REPS before.
    • Lighting can be delivered twice per premises if all specifications are met.

    Contact activity providers for eligibility and potential costs.

    Fleur Marais
    Fleur Marais
    18. March, 2024
    I called today to get some advice on installing solar panels. They were very friendly and helpful while provided excellent information. I will definitely go through Class A Energy with my instalments.
    Nick H
    Nick H
    18. March, 2024
    Prompt and super efficient with friendly service to match
    Tiana Egglestone
    Tiana Egglestone
    18. March, 2024
    Had a great experience with Jono over the phone, super helpful and friendly. Overall very impressed
    Margarita Demarco
    Margarita Demarco
    18. March, 2024
    A professional and friendly team that gets the job done. Would highly recommend
    Sabrina DeMarco
    Sabrina DeMarco
    18. March, 2024
    Excellent service, the team was so professional and the job got done without any issues. Will definitely be recommending them to family and friends!
    Johnny Florinis
    Johnny Florinis
    18. March, 2024
    Did an amazing job and looked spotless. Would definitely recommend for anyone looking
    Peter B
    Peter B
    20. February, 2024
    Good product and service provided. Saved a lot in Energy costs. Quality product.
    Martin Woodrow
    Martin Woodrow
    19. February, 2024
    First class, arrived at the correct time and also returned to alter a fitting free of charge
    9. November, 2023
    Great company 👌
    Bryan Scherer
    Bryan Scherer
    18. October, 2023
    Annual solar panel check today. Thanks Henry. Consistent with Class A Energy high standards.


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