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If you have excess power generated from your solar panels exporting to the grid, a home battery system is the next logical investment.

At Class A Energy Solutions, we’ve got you covered; specializing in installing compatible battery systems for both homes and businesses, our systems are designed to store the excess energy generated by your solar panels – the stored power is utilised when solar generation isn’t meeting your energy demands. We have dedicated teams will collaborate with you, understanding your unique needs and energy consumption patterns. With this personalized approach, we aim to offer a solution that maximises your independence from the grid and also ensures you receive the maximum value from your investment, thus reducing the return on investment (ROI) time.

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In the world of renewable energy, solar power systems are a beacon of sustainability and innovation. Among these systems, solar battery storage plays a pivotal role by ensuring the abundance of solar power collected during the day doesn’t go to waste. But how exactly does a solar battery storage system work?

Let’s dive into the basics, explained in simple terms that everyone can understand:

What are the benefits of installing a battery storage system?

Battery storage systems provide several benefits including energy independence, reduced electricity bills by using stored solar power during peak tariff hours, energy security during power outages, and a lower environmental impact by maximizing the use of renewable energy.

What types of batteries are best for residential and commercial use?

Lithium-ion batteries are most commonly used due to their high energy density, efficiency, and decreasing cost. Other types, such as flow batteries, are also gaining traction for certain applications due to their longer lifespan and scalability.

How long do battery storage systems last?

The lifespan typically ranges from 10 to 15 years, but this can vary based on the technology used.

Can my battery storage power a home during a blackout?

Yes, one of the key advantages of having a battery storage system is that it can provide power during blackouts, making it a reliable backup power source however your backup circuits are generally limited to essential loads like lighting, fridge and main living areas for prolonged use ensuring enough charge is stored to last the night.

Can solar battery storage power a home during a blackout?

Yes, if you have a hybrid inverter directly connected to your battery.

The Tesla Powerwall 2 also features blackout charging if you have a 5kW single phase inverter.

How do I choose the right size battery for my home?

Choosing the right size battery depends on a few factors; your energy usage, the capacity of your solar system and your electricity rates.

Our team can help you make informed decisions by analysing your energy interval data and R.O.I based on your electricity rates to determine the appropriate battery size.

Discuss battery storage solutions today

We provide; return on investment (R.O.I) assessments based on your power bill and NMI interval data, optimize your battery usage to be financially beneficial and configure your backup circuits to meet your needs. This personalized approach ensures each system is optimized to your unique consumption patterns while maximizing the benefits and paving the way for a sustainable energy future.


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