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YP Country Times 30kW

Commercial Solar for Food and Grocers

The Yorke Peninsula Country Times was established in 1865. Its most northerly point of distribution is Port Broughton, and reaches as far South as Stenhouse Bay, encompassing the entire Yorke Peninsula. Committed to the function of serving a cross section of people and businesses in the community, the newspaper fills its pages with local news, photographs, current local events, community achievements/events and local sports results.

The installation of a commercial solar system allows the YP Country Times to significantly decrease the power bill, creating the ability to supply complete daytime energy requirements while also having a decreased environmental impact.

CSIRO large scale solar (PV and CST) technologies.

Class A Energy Solutions is a successful industry leader in solar sales, design and installation, completing thousands of solar installations across Australia. We have a small and dedicated team with an incredible depth of knowledge of the Australian solar industry, built over the past 20+ years.

Contact: 1800 997 979

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And for further information on commercial solar and batteries, click here

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